Hi there! My name is Sasha Barker. I am a certified teacher with a master's degree in teaching methods, and I am your child's 3rd grade teacher this year. The 2023-24 school year will be my 12th year in the classroom. I enjoyed teaching second grade at SHES for the last three years, and I'm very excited for my first chance to teach third grade and to loop up with many of my students from last year. I have previously taught fourth grade for three years, sixth grade for three years, and high school for two years all in Hernando County. Elementary is my favorite age group.
I am a Whole Brain Teacher, and I love planning active and engaging lessons for my students. At the end of the day, it is my hope that your child feels loved and safe in my classroom and comes home smiling with happy stories to share.
My husband, Jeremy, is the worship leader at Providence Church across the street. He is a cancer survivor, a great dad, and a skilled tradesman. We have been married for 23 years and have three sweet, servant-minded kids.
Our oldest, Gabriel, is an amazing center and long snapper. He was awarded athletic and academic scholarships to play offensive line in Arkansas. He is 22 years old and is studying with aspirations to be a physician in the US Navy. He is a dependable friend and a hard worker with a natural talent for the piano.
Our daughter, Evie is 20. She recently graduated from Hernando High School. She is currently working as a Para in another Hernando County school while she pursues a career as an ESE teacher. In the meantime, she is my favorite barista. She loves kids, plays the guitar, has a beautiful singing voice, and could easily make a living as a make-up artist.
Our youngest, Elijah, is a basketball and football player, percussionist and culinary artist in his senior year at HHS with hopes of pursuing a career as a Culinary Specialist in the US Navy. He loves singing, drumming, playing the piano, and coding in addition to sports and all things culinary.
I am a Whole Brain Teacher, and I love planning active and engaging lessons for my students. At the end of the day, it is my hope that your child feels loved and safe in my classroom and comes home smiling with happy stories to share.
My husband, Jeremy, is the worship leader at Providence Church across the street. He is a cancer survivor, a great dad, and a skilled tradesman. We have been married for 23 years and have three sweet, servant-minded kids.
Our oldest, Gabriel, is an amazing center and long snapper. He was awarded athletic and academic scholarships to play offensive line in Arkansas. He is 22 years old and is studying with aspirations to be a physician in the US Navy. He is a dependable friend and a hard worker with a natural talent for the piano.
Our daughter, Evie is 20. She recently graduated from Hernando High School. She is currently working as a Para in another Hernando County school while she pursues a career as an ESE teacher. In the meantime, she is my favorite barista. She loves kids, plays the guitar, has a beautiful singing voice, and could easily make a living as a make-up artist.
Our youngest, Elijah, is a basketball and football player, percussionist and culinary artist in his senior year at HHS with hopes of pursuing a career as a Culinary Specialist in the US Navy. He loves singing, drumming, playing the piano, and coding in addition to sports and all things culinary.